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Report Elderly abuse in Florida

Report Elderly abuse in Florida now

Florida as a state detest any form of elder abuse. The state seeks to prosecute anyone who exploits the aged through whatever means. Elder abuse is any action, continuous actions, or inaction on the part of a trusted party who is supposed to be responsible for an older adult, of which such action or inaction results in discomfort or harm to the older adult. Individuals who perpetuate any form of exploitation usually act on the ignorance or lack of information of an individual. As such you need to protect yourself. Get an elder lawyer, talk to them about any form of abuse and ask questions as regards any documents. Silence in case of exploitation may be treated as content. Rather than let any abuse go on, contact an elder law. Elder lawyer are vast with dealing with any elder law issues.

Types of elder abuse

There are different ways an elder can suffer abuse. Being educated on each type will help you or your loved one know when abuse has occurred in order to take any necessary step.

The seven prevalent types of elder abuse are:

  1. Physical elder abuse: This occurs when an older adult is subjected to physical pain intentionally by another person. It often leads to bodily harm or in more serious cases, death.
  • Negligence: There is negligence or elder neglect when a person who is supposed to be responsible for an older adult fails to act as expected of them, or fails to protect them from harm through carelessness, and such inaction consequently results in harm to the adult.
  • Elder abandonment: This type is sometimes intertwined with neglect. Howbeit, elder abandonment occurs when the person who is supposed to be responsible for the older adult consciously and intentionally deserts them without informing the relatives or home facility, or making any formal agreements.
  • Psychological and emotional abuse: These are acts, which produces fear, intimidation, or mental pain to the elder.
  • Financial elder abuse: This occurs when a person who is supposedly responsible for the older adult intentionally, illegally and improperly uses the funds of the elder for their own selfish gains, disregarding the needs of the elder.
  • Sexual elder abuse: This occurs when an older adult is coerced against their will to be involved in sexual acts with and by another party or parties.
  • Elder self-neglect: This occurs when the elder can no longer care for his or her own personal needs but does not take any step to ensure they get help. The elder simply neglects himself or herself.

Many older adults find it difficult acknowledging the fact that they are no longer as strong as they once were, and so find it hard to bring themselves to seek for help. This can lead to self-neglect which is just as calamitous as other forms of self-abuse.

Report any elder financial exploitation.  

If you or your loved one who is an elder suffers abuse from anyone, be it a child, relative, or personnel in a home care facility, do not hesitate to contact and report your case to the Florida Department of Elder Affairs any time of the day. On their request, you must give detailed information regarding the abuse and the persons or parties involved. Note that the whole thing is confidential, so you need not worry about the accused knowing and abusing you all the more.

Get help from an elder law attorney Florida

Sadly, the majority of the accused parties of elder abuse cases are the relatives of the elder. According to a report by the Florida Department of Children and Families, the majority of those accused of elder abuse are the children, grandchildren and other relatives of the older adult. This is sad but expected. However, about 2 out of every 10 cases occur in a home facility.

Sometimes, you and your loved one would require more than just investigation, but also legal back up in litigating your elder abuse case, especially when you are going up against a reputable home. Whatever the case is, kindly contact our Florida-based law office to obtain legal help from an elder law attorney.

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